
WebPro v Webplus

MySQL databases

Server Config with .htaccess Files

 Web Pro
What is WebPro?

How do I get WebPro?

How do I use WebPro?

What is a 'cgi-bin' / 'CGI program' / 'CGI script'?

What version of perl / python / etc. do you use?

Where are perl / python / etc.?

 What is WebPro?  Back to the Top 
WebPro is a service that adds a number of features to your webspace and gives you your own cgi-bin, allowing you to run your own CGI scripts on your web site, together with a MySQL database. A nominal annual fee is applicable

 How do I get WebPro?  Back to the Top 
For further details and to activate WebPro please email us

 How do I use WebPro?  Back to the Top 
Once WebPro is activated on your account, you can upload CGI scripts (Eg Perl), or PHP scripts, into your WebPro web space using FTP, and also use the MySQL database from your scripts or by using the web-based management tool, phpMyAdmin

To upload files (Eg CGI scripts) to WebPro by FTP, please use the hostname webpro.accountname (for example if your account is bloggs.abel.co.uk, your FTP hostname would be webpro.bloggs.abel.co.uk), and log in using your full account name as the user name (bloggs.abel.co.uk), with your normal account password.

You must be connected to the Internet through our network in order to access WebPro FTP. Once connected, you will see various subdirectories. CGI programs should be uploaded into the cgi-bin directory, whereas PHP scripts and any other files should go in docs. When uploading script files, ensure that your FTP client is set to upload in ASCII mode to convert the line endings correctly.

Once uploaded you may have to mark the CGI programs as executable. This can be done using the 'chmod' command available on most FTP clients. If you need to refer to any files or directories in your CGI scripts please ensure that you use relative paths.

CGI scripts will appear as http://www.accountname/cgi-bin/script name, any files in the docs directory will appear as http://www.accountname/filename

If you need more help uploading the files have a look at the question on uploading.

 What is a 'cgi-bin'/'CGI program'/'CGI script'?  Back to the Top 
CGI scripting is one method of building a dynamic web site that people can interact with. CGI scripts or CGI programs can be written to respond to user actions and generate web pages based on them, personalising the content of the site.

cgi-bin is the normal name for the directory of a website where these CGI scripts can be found. CGI scripts for WebPro can be written in: Perl or Python.

WebPro also supports Server Side Includes (SSI) and PHP
 What version of perl / python / etc. do you use?  Back to the Top 
Currently we use the following software versions -
  • Perl - 5.8.0
  • Python - 2.2.2

 Where are perl / python / etc. ?  Back to the Top 
  • Perl - /usr/bin/perl
  • Python - /usr/bin/python

 WebPro v Webplus  Back to the Top 
By opting for WebPro your web site will be hosted on one of our business class servers.
Another advantage of WebPro over Webplus is that your URL will always be in the format of http://www.accountname; whereas WebPlus users' script pages will be in the format of http://webplus.accountname.
 MySQL databases
How do I get a database for my account?

What are the settings to use in my script to access MySQL?

How do I administer my database?

How do I back up my database?
 How do I get a database for my account?  Back to the Top 
MySQL databases are provided as part of WebPro and are automatically created upon WebPro activation. To use your database you need to be allocated and issued with your WebPro ID number.
 What are the settings to use in my script to access MySQL?  Back to the Top 
To access your database, your scripts need to use webprodb as the hostname, your WebPro ID (including the "webpro" prefix) as the username, and your usual account password.
 How do I administer my database?  Back to the Top 
We provide phpMyAdmin, an easy to use, web-based tool to enable you to fully administer your database. To use phpMyAdmin, visit http://www.accountname/dbadmin/, log in with your WebPro ID (including the "webpro" prefix) and your usual password, and follow the instructions provided.
 How do I back up my database?  Back to the Top 
You should ensure that you regularly back up the content of your database, which you can do using phpMyAdmin (How do I administer my database?) and selecting the "Export" option.
 Server Configuration with .htaccess Files
What is a .htaccess file?

How do I protect a directory with username and password?

Where can I find a full list of supported commands?
 What is a .htaccess file?  Back to the Top 
These are an advanced feature that let you to modify the server configuration. You can create them in any directory inside your webspace; they only affect that immediate directory, not sub-directories. This is an example file:
ErrorDocument 404 /error404.html
DirectoryIndex default.htm
AddType model/vrml .wrl
The first line specifies a document to use when a 404 (file not found) error is encountered. The path to the document starts at the root of your webspace. Other common codes are 500 (internal server error, i.e. broken CGI script), and 401 (forbidden, i.e. wrong user name and password).

The second line specifies the default file to use in the directory should be default.htm instead of the usual index.html.

The third line defines the mime type for file with a .wrl extension. You only need to do this for obscure file types, as all the common ones are in the main server configuration. You can also use this directive to override the default mime types.

 How do I protect a directory with username and password?  Back to the Top 
First of all you need to create a .htpasswd file. This contains a list of user names and passwords. The easiest way to generate this is to install Apache on your workstation, and use the htpasswd command-line tool. You can then upload it using FTP, we suggest to the docs directory in your webspace. Next, put these lines in the .htaccess file for the directory you want to protect:
AuthName secure
AuthType basic
AuthUserFile /data/clients/webpro/content/www.YOUR.DOMAIN.NAME/docs/.htpasswd
Require valid-user
You need to change YOUR.DOMAIN.NAME appropriately, and will need to change the path if you've used a directory other than docs. The AuthName line can be any string you like - it's just a name that is displayed to the end-user.
 Where can I find a full list of supported commands?  Back to the Top 
The full details are in the Apache documentation. Note that the AllowOverride command in force is: AllowOverride FileInfo AuthConfig Limit.
 If your question remains unanswered...
Please note that these services are provided on a DIY basis and as an added value feature to your account. Additional support is available on a consultancy basis. For a quotation please email support@abel.co.uk

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